Chocolate a la taza, the perfect treat this winter

When the cold weather hits, there's nothing better than a cup of hot chocolate. cup of hot chocolate with cream and irresistible decorations. With our hot chocolates, preparing this delicacy is quick and easy, follow this recipe and surprise everyone with an original presentation!

Ingredients (1 cup)

  • 1 sachet of your favorite hot chocolate
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 ml whipping cream 
  • Our toppings: cocoa biscuit crumb, mini lentils, hazelnut crunch, syrups, etc.


  1. In a saucepan, heat the milk without boiling.
  2. Add the chocolate to the bowl and stir constantly until thickened.
  3. In a chilled bowl, whip the cream with the powdered sugar to a stiff texture.
  4. Pour the hot chocolate into a large mug.
  5. Add a generous layer of whipped cream.
  6. Decorate with your favorite toppings and your chocolate is ready to drink!

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