5 curiosities about infusions

Everyone knows what infusions are, but this product has several interesting little-known curiosities.

  1. It is the third most popular beverage in the world, after water and coffee. 
  2. The most common infusions are tea, chamomile or pennyroyal. 
  3. According to Chinese legend, the infusion was invented by Sheng Nung, who boiled water under a tree and, accidentally, some leaves fell and changed the color of the liquid. 
  4. After drinking them, the tea bags can be reused. For example, chamomile tea bags can be put on the eyes to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. 
  5. Infusions require an easy process. Even so, it is important to pay attention to the time the ingredients are immersed in the hot water. 

Do you like this drink or would you like to drink it? Check out the variety of infusions we offer.

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